Dolphin Watching at Lovina Beach in Indonesia
I am not an early bird, I like sleeping. If I have to get up before sunrise, there definitely better be a good reason. Getting up before sunrise to watch dolphins swim in the sea, that definitely makes the list.
Lovina beach, which is located in the northern part of Bali, Indonesia, is an excellent place for dolphin watching. When we went on the tour, we managed to see at least 10 to 20 dolphins. I have seen a few dolphins in aquariums and at Marineland in Canada. I have always felt uncomfortable seeing these animals confined to such small place spaces, when their natural habitat should be the vast oceans. Thus, it was a delight to see schools of dolphins swimming and jumping together with great freedom in the sea.
The number of dolphins a tourist might encounter while doing a dolphin watching tour, will obviously vary depending on the day and your luck. We were fortunate enough to spot several dolphins and thus felt extremely lucky. Watch this video and see the dolphins for yourself too!