Halloween Fun in South Korea!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! I have always had fun and good memories of it. I really enjoy seeing others and myself dress-up in creative costumes!
Although Halloween is a foreign holiday in Korea, it is becoming more popular over the years. In schools, some children come to class dressed up in costumes on Halloween and enjoy learning about the holiday. In one of Korea’s largest amusement parks, Everland, the entire theme of the park is associated with Halloween during the fall season. In fact, I have never seen a theme park so decorated with such elaborate Halloween decorations.
Besides spending the day enjoying the Halloween atmosphere, we ventured into two haunted houses and took plenty of pictures with zombies walking throughout the park. One of the key events at Everland was a very unique Happy Halloween parade. You can see the video at the bottom of the blog. Overall, I was very impressed with our experience!
A Halloween tree!
A strange mirror that makes us look so bizarre!
So happy, to hang out with the dead!
Have you ever seen a Happy Halloween parade? Well here’s your chance, click on this video and see for yourself.
I apologize for the shakiness of the video.