The Enchanting Castles near Fussen, Germany
We had decided to stay in Fussen for a few days while we explored the Neuschwanstein Castle and Hohenschwangau Castle. These two castles are some of the most popular and beautiful castles in all of Germany.
Fussen is a small town located in Bavaria, Germany. While in Fussen we walked aimlessly through the open fields, simply enjoying the beautiful landscape.
In the evening, Fussen is just as beautiful with its glowing sunset spreading across the sky and high above the mountains.
We could have rode a horse up the hill to Neuschwanstein Castle, but instead opted to walk up the steep hill. Upon approaching the castle, I was instantly awed by its beauty. To me it really looked like a fariytale castle. Growing up, from books and movies, I had constructed an image of an ideal castle. In my mind it looked similar to the Neuschwanstein Castle. To finally see and explore a fairytale castle in such a scenic setting was absolutely amazing!
This photograph was taken from Hohenschwangau Castle. The Neuschwanstein Castle can be seen in the background. We were able to visit both castles during the same day, since they were not located far from each other.
I thought the yellowed coloured walls of the Hohenschwangau Castle was a very unique touch.
Although, both castles were lovely, I have to admit I liked the style and architecture of the Neuschwanstein Castle a bit more. In my opinion, the Neuschwanstein Castle should be named one of the Wonders of the World!