3 Days of Ashram life in India
Ever wondered what it would be like to spend a few days in an ashram? I did. In fact, I was extremely curious. What kind of people live in ashrams? How do they live? What do they have to sacrifice? The journalist in me, had so many questions that needed answers. More importantly though, I wanted to experience the ashram life for myself.
It was while traveling through Kerala, India the opportunity arose. We met a fellow traveler, who convinced us that visiting The Amritapuri Ashram” would be a great experience. Instantly, we were both on board with the idea. Why not? It is not everyday you get the chance to stay in an ashram.
When we arrived at the ashram during mid afternoon after a long bus ride from….
After filling out the necessary paper work, we were greeted by our tour guide.
Visiting an ashram was never on our bucket list. But, while traveling through Kerala, India, we met a traveler, who convinced us that visiting The Amritapuri Ashram” would be a great experience. When else would we have the chance to visit an ashram.