South Korea
The D-10 Visa
These days, obtaining an E2 visa status has become an arduous undertaking. The Korean immigration has set high standards that require but are not limited to: notarizing diplomas, ordering sealed transcripts, presenting a nationwide criminal record check, and participating in a multitude of health checks. Imagine the agony of repeating this expensive and time-consuming procedure every time you decide to change your job. Fortunately, the advent of the D10 visa is a reason for utter celebration. This special visa status permits a foreigner to stay in Korea for a extensive period of 6 months, solely for the purpose of seeking employment. The process of attaining a D10 visa is extremely…
Apartment Hunting in Korea
Searching for housing in Korea may be time-consuming, and definitely challenging for a foreigner. However, with the right amount of support and determination, finding that perfect place is worth the energy. After living in a guesthouse for the past three weeks, it was time to start seriously looking for our own housing. Although this was the beginning of our fourth year in Korea, we had never had the need to search for accommodations. We were always provided with somewhat mediocre housing by our employers. This time however, we were driven to find a very comfortable and cozy place, in a great location. Location—Narrowing it Down. It is an excellent idea…